Abdominal Pain, Adhesions from Past Surgery (Child)
When surgery is done on the abdomen, bands of scar tissue may form between abdominal tissues and organs. These are called adhesions.
In many cases, adhesions cause no symptoms or problems and need no treatment. In other cases, adhesions may cause abdominal or pelvic pain that can range from mild to severe.

Treatment will vary depending on the extent of the pain and the likelihood of problems, such as intestinal obstruction (blockage). Mild pain may be treated with medicines or diet changes alone. Severe pain may need treatment, such as surgery, to remove the adhesions. The healthcare provider will discuss all of your child’s treatment options with you as needed.
Home care
Medicines may be prescribed to help relieve pain and inflammation. Follow all instructions when giving the medicines to your child.
General care
If prescribed, have your child eat a low-fiber diet as directed by the healthcare provider. Try applesauce, cooked cereals, or mashed potatoes.
Keep the surgical incision clean and dry. Follow the surgeon's instructions regarding wound care.
Look for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, warmth, or discharge from the incision, and report them to the healthcare provider.
Let your child rest when needed. Gradually increase activity levels as advised by the surgeon or healthcare provider.
Encourage your child to take small bites when eating. They should also completely chew all food before swallowing.
This may involve a clear liquid diet initially, followed by a gradual transition to regular foods.
Make sure the child drinks plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
Comfort your child as needed. Try to find positions that ease your child’s discomfort. A small pillow placed on the abdomen may help provide pain relief. Some children may be distracted from pain by listening to music or having someone read to them.
Watching for symptoms of intestinal blockage
When a child has abdominal adhesions, of particular concern is if the adhesions form around the intestine. This can cause severe pain and lead to partial or complete blockage (obstruction) of the intestinal tract. A complete intestinal blockage is a medical emergency. Surgery is needed right away to repair the problem.
You can help your child by watching for symptoms of intestinal blockage. These can include:
If your child has these symptoms, get medical care right away.
Follow-up care
Follow up with your child’s healthcare provider as advised. If testing was done, you’ll be told the results and if there are any new findings that affect your child’s care. If surgery is needed, you’ll be told more about this and how to prepare your child for it.
When to seek medical advice
Unless your child’s healthcare provider advises otherwise, call the provider right away if your child has any of the following. If the symptoms are severe, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room right away.